As a family in one faith, I sincerely ask you to prayerfully consider your participation and support for this year's appeal. We are not only working to assist the Archdiocese in this fundraiser, but focus on the specific needs of our parish.
At this extraordinary time when so many people are suffering from Covid-19 pandemic, let us place our trust in God. May He guide our efforts to sustain our parish as we continue to reach out to those we serve.
We are reminded that we should all respect the recommendation of our health authorities at this time. Therefore, in accordance with Archbishop Michael Miller’s directive, ( Masses and special liturgies are to be offered without a public congregation.
Jesus tells us, “a new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” (John 13:34) We invite all youth in Grade 6 & 7 to join us for this one-day retreat. A retreat is a great time to explore your faith more and get to know the other youth.
Are you living God’s purpose for your life? Dynamic speaker and author Ken Yasinski will be leading a 2-day parish mission at Immaculate Conception Parish.