At this extraordinary time when so many people are suffering from Covid-19 pandemic, let us place our trust in God. May He guide our efforts to sustain our parish as we continue to reach out to those we serve.
We are reminded that we should all respect the recommendation of our health authorities at this time. Therefore, in accordance with Archbishop Michael Miller’s directive, ( Masses and special liturgies are to be offered without a public congregation.
Are you living God’s purpose for your life? Dynamic speaker and author Ken Yasinski will be leading a 2-day parish mission at Immaculate Conception Parish.
Sunday December 9, 7:00pm - 8:30pm. Advent Eucharistic Adoration for all! This evening will take place in the church and will include a talk by Father Lucio, praise and worship music and of course, an opportunity to be silent in the presence of Jesus Christ.
Terms to Consider: Health care treatment (Fraser Health Authority) is anything done for a therapeutic, preventive, palliative, diagnostic, cosmetic or other health care purpose and may be a series of similar treatments or care (e.g., administration of blood pressure pills, wound care) given over time or a plan for a variety of care purposes for up to one year. Ordinary Care (Catholic Health Association of BC) refers to any treatment, operation or procedure that offers a reasonable hope of benefit without serious risk of death or excessive burden or excessive subjective repugnance or excessive pain or excessive expense. If you need a copy of the CHABC-ACP Booklet, please email us. First come first served.