If you would like to have an automatic withdrawal from your bank each month, you may do so by signing up with the Pre-Authorized Debit plan. You may print the form needed using the prompt above. Fill out the form, sign it and drop it into collection basket on Sunday. The office will process the information and funds will be withdrawn from your bank account accordingly.
Please remember that you still required to use an envelope marked “PAD” each week.
2nd collection envelopes are not included in the “PAD” program
so you still need to donate funds using the 2nd collection envelope in your box. Or Click HERE to donate online. Select "Immaculate Conception Delta" then the appropriated weekend for the Second Collection.
There is always room for improvement however, so we urge every family and young working adult to register with the parish office. Upon registration you will be given a box of contribution envelopes, a convenient way to donate funds on a regular basis.
The parish is presently fund raising for the school seismic upgrade/new building. This is a very expensive project so we ask everyone to give whenever they can.
There are second collections throughout the year but you may donate anytime using a plain envelope clearly marked “Building Fund” with your name and address.
IC Change Initiative boxes one at the church entrance door (right side) and another in front of the statue of our Lady near the Altar. Please drop off your coins and lighten your load.
Many parishioners are choosing to remember the needs of the parish in their last Will. You can plan ahead by simply adding this to your existing Will as a codicil.
… “I give and bequeath to the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver, incorporated under a special Act of Legislative Assembly of B.C., and whose offices are located in Vancouver, B.C., for the benefit of Immaculate Conception Parish, Delta B.C. The sum of $_______ dollars, or a percentage of the estate, or, the total of the residue of the estate."
For more information, contact the Development Office at the Archdiocese @ 604-683-0281
These funds belong to the parish. Under the direction of the Pastor, funds are distributed to help the needy, regardless of religion, within our parish boundaries.
We have recently chosen to sponsor a Refugees Family. We need to raise a minimum of $70,000.00 to support the family for a period of one year. Please SUPPORT our different fund raising efforts and give generously to this cause.
Are you a new parishioner?
Are you a young working adult?
Please register with us today.
Registration cards are available in the foyer of the church. Complete the card and drop it in the collection basket... it's that easy!